Marc Vuffray


Michael Chertkov, Andrey Y. Lokhov, Marc Vuffray, 2016, NIPS.

A. Lokhov, Sidhant Misra, Marc Vuffray, 2019, NeurIPS.

Marc Vuffray, Marc Vuffray, 2014 .

Michael Chertkov, Marc Vuffray, Sidhant Misra, 2016 .

Michael Chertkov, Marc Vuffray, Sidhant Misra, 2015, 1504.02370.

Carleton Coffrin, L. Cincio, A. Lokhov, 2022, 2205.02483.

Carleton Coffrin, T. Albash, A. Lokhov, 2021, Physical Review Applied.

Carleton Coffrin, T. Albash, A. Lokhov, 2022, Physical Review Applied.

Carleton Coffrin, A. Lokhov, Y. Kharkov, 2020, PRX Quantum.

Carleton Coffrin, A. Lokhov, Marc Vuffray, 2019, Constraints.

A. Lokhov, R. Delabays, Marc Vuffray, 2022, 2211.16064.

Marc Vuffray, Joachim Stubbe, Marc Vuffray, 2007, Differential and Integral Equations.

Michael Chertkov, Deepjyoti Deka, Andrey Y. Lokhov, 2018, 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC).

Pascal Van Hentenryck, Michael Chertkov, Krishnamurthy Dvijotham, 2016, Constraints.

Andrey Y. Lokhov, Marc Vuffray, Sidhant Misra, 2021, ICML.

Carleton Coffrin, Andrey Y. Lokhov, Marc Vuffray, 2021, IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering.

Scott Pakin, Carleton Coffrin, Gopinath Chennupati, 2018, ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing.

Deepjyoti Deka, Andrey Y. Lokhov, Marc Vuffray, 2019, 2021 IEEE Madrid PowerTech.

Michael Chertkov, Andrey Y. Lokhov, Marc Vuffray, 2016, Science Advances.

A. Lokhov, Sidhant Misra, Marc Vuffray, 2020, NeurIPS.

Carleton Coffrin, A. Lokhov, Marc Vuffray, 2019, Constraints An Int. J..

A. Lokhov, Marc Vuffray, Abhijith Jayakumar, 2023, Physical Review Research.

Carleton Coffrin, A. Lokhov, S. Chessa, 2023, 2308.15648.

Carleton Coffrin, Bernard Knueven, Marc Vuffray, 2020, ArXiv.

Carleton Coffrin, Andrey Y. Lokhov, Yaroslav Kharkov, 2019 .

Nicolas Macris, Vahid Aref, Marc Vuffray, 2013, 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory.

Marc Vuffray, Sidhant Misra, Anatoly Zlotnik, 2020, Proceedings of the IEEE.

Michael Chertkov, Marc Vuffray, Sidhant Misra, 2015, 2015 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC).

Carleton Coffrin, L. Cincio, A. Lokhov, 2021, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE).

Marc Vuffray, Sidhant Misra, David M'etivier, 2019, Electric Power Systems Research.

Michael Chertkov, Marc Vuffray, Sidhant Misra, 2015, 2016 European Control Conference (ECC).

A. Lokhov, Sidhant Misra, Marc Vuffray, 2017, COLT.

Carleton Coffrin, T. Albash, Marc Vuffray, 2024, 2402.17667.

Michael Chertkov, Deepjyoti Deka, Andrey Y. Lokhov, 2017, 2018 Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC).

Nicolas Macris, Vahid Aref, Marc Vuffray, 2013, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.