Ghislain Opdenakker


Pauline M Rudd, Louise Royle, Raymond A Dwek, 2006, Biochemistry.

G. Opdenakker, V. Yong, W. Stallcup, 2003, The Journal of Neuroscience.

Els Van Coillie, Catherine Uyttenhove, C. Uyttenhove, 2011, Cancer letters.

G. Opdenakker, H. Carton, Ghislain Opdenakker, 1992, Journal of Neuroimmunology.

Inge Nelissen, Els Van Coillie, Paul Proost, 2001, Journal of leukocyte biology.

B. Cauwe, P. E. Van den Steen, G. Opdenakker, 2007, Critical reviews in biochemistry and molecular biology.

Jialiang Hu, G. Opdenakker, Jialiang Hu, 2007, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery.

P. E. Van den Steen, G. Opdenakker, J. Vandooren, 2013, Critical reviews in biochemistry and molecular biology.

Inge Nelissen, P. E. Van den Steen, G. Opdenakker, 2003, Advances in experimental medicine and biology.

Osamu Yoshie, Yoshiyuki Sakaki, Hisayuki Nomiyama, 1997, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

P. E. Van den Steen, G. Opdenakker, Philippe E Van den Steen, 2014, Trends in parasitology.

Dominique Schols, Paul Proost, E. De Clercq, 1998, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

Pauline M. Rudd, Inge Nelissen, Raymond A. Dwek, 2002, Critical reviews in biochemistry and molecular biology.