Bisakha Ray


Yindalon Aphinyanagphongs, Bisakha Ray, Sean Heffron, 2015, 2015 International Conference on Healthcare Informatics.

Sergio Escalera, Isabelle Guyon, Gavin C. Cawley, 2015, IJCNN.

Isabelle Guyon, Vincent Lemaire, Jordi Soriano, 2015, Neural Connectomics.

Constantin F. Aliferis, Alexander R. Statnikov, Bisakha Ray, 2015, AMIA.

Isabelle Guyon, Gavin C. Cawley, Hugo Jair Escalante, 2015 .

Isabelle Guyon, Vincent Lemaire, Jordi Soriano, 2014, 2014 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN).

Bisakha Ray, Bisakha Ray, 2015, 2015 International Conference on Healthcare Informatics.

Rumi Chunara, Bisakha Ray, Elodie Ghedin, 2016, Journal of Biomedical Informatics.

Lawrence D. Fu, Yindalon Aphinyanagphongs, Bisakha Ray, 2013, AMIA.

Subha Madhavan, Radhakrishnan Nagarajan, Shyam Visweswaran, 2016, J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc..

Alexander R. Statnikov, Bisakha Ray, Yin Aphinyanaphongs, 2014, Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE 15th International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IEEE IRI 2014).

Isabelle Guyon, Vincent Lemaire, Jordi Soriano, 2017 .

Sergio Escalera, Hugo Jair Escalante, Marc Boullé, 2019, Automated Machine Learning.

Rumi Chunara, Bisakha Ray, 2017, Online Journal of Public Health Informatics.