William I. Gustafson


Zhijin Li, William I. Gustafson, Xiaoping Cheng, 2016 .

William I. Gustafson, Zhijin Li, Andrew M. Vogelmann, 2017 .

Christine Wiedinmyer, S. J. Ghan, William I. Gustafson, 2017 .

Eric D. Sills, William I. Gustafson, Gary W. Howell, 2005 .

William I. Gustafson, Zhijin Li, Andrew M. Vogelmann, 2017 .

Christine Wiedinmyer, Patrick L. Kinney, Donald McKenzie, 2009 .

L. Ruby Leung, William I. Gustafson, Xiao-Ming Hu, 2008 .

Evgueni I. Kassianov, Larry K. Berg, William I. Gustafson, 2013 .

Witold F. Krajewski, William I. Gustafson, Jerome D. Fast, 2009 .

L. Ruby Leung, Cameron R. Homeyer, William I. Gustafson, 2019, Journal of Climate.

Evgueni I. Kassianov, Vincent E. Larson, Mikhail Ovchinnikov, 2010 .

William I. Gustafson, Zhijin Li, Andrew M. Vogelmann, 2020, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.

David D. Turner, William I. Gustafson, Jaymes Kenyon, 2018, Monthly Weather Review.