G. Milstein


G. Jackson, M. Bates, Jason A. Nieuwsma, 2013, Journal of health care chaplaincy.

Joshua B. Grubbs, I. Schonfeld, G. Milstein, 2019, Mental Health, Religion & Culture.

G. Milstein, 2019, Psychological trauma : theory, research, practice and policy.

E. Midlarsky, P. Guarnaccia, G. Milstein, 1995 .

Bruce G. Link, M. Bruce, E. Midlarsky, 2000, The Journal of nervous and mental disease.

C. Hybels, G. Milstein, R. J. Proeschold-Bell, 2020, Psychology of Religion and Spirituality.

G. Milstein, P. Agre, E. Stieglitz, 2006, Oncology nursing forum.

P. Guarnaccia, G. Milstein, Pilar Parka, 1992, Culture, medicine and psychiatry.

M. Bruce, G. McAvay, G. Milstein, 2003, International journal of psychiatry in medicine.

G. Milstein, Adolfo G. Cuevas, R. Palitsky, 2020, Journal of prevention & intervention in the community.

J. Ferrari, G. Milstein, 2020, Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health.

G. Milstein, Lisa Rudolfsson, 2019, Mental Health, Religion & Culture.

G. Milstein, Jamie D. Aten, D. Boan, 2014 .