V. S. Pragadheesh


Furkan Ahmad, V. S. Pragadheesh, Pragadheesh Vs, 2019 .

S. Senthil-Nathan, V. S. Pragadheesh, N. Bakthavatsalam, 2021, Environmental Science and Pollution Research.

S. Senthil-Nathan, C. Ballal, V. S. Pragadheesh, 2021, Pesticide biochemistry and physiology.

S. Senthil-Nathan, V. S. Pragadheesh, N. Bakthavatsalam, 2021, Environmental Science and Pollution Research.

Karin Nordström, S. Olsson, O. Dyakova, 2017, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

S. Senthil-Nathan, R. Govindarajan, M. Eswaramoorthy, 2022, Environmental Science and Pollution Research.