L. Curtis


Jane Wardle, Michael S. Wolf, Laura M. Curtis, 2013, PloS one.

Laura M. Curtis, R. Hasnain-Wynia, M. Wolf, 2013, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

Anjali U. Pandit, M. Wolf, S. Bailey, 2009, Medical care.

Laura M. Curtis, M. Arvanitis, S. Bailey, 2021, Preventive Medicine Reports.

Stacy Cooper Bailey, Laura M. Curtis, M. Wolf, 2010, Archives of internal medicine.

T. Davis, W. Grobman, S. Bailey, 2011, American journal of obstetrics and gynecology.

D. Ladner, L. Curtis, A. Daud, 2020, Journal of current surgery.

Kristie B. Hadden, M. Wolf, C. Arnold, 2020, Contemporary clinical trials communications.

S. Smith, M. Wolf, R. O’Conor, 2018, Journal of aging and health.

M. Wolf, L. Sahm, M. Brennan, 2012, European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.

Ashley R. Bergeron, M. Wolf, W. Shrank, 2016, Journal of General Internal Medicine.

Laura M. Curtis, M. Wolf, E. Montague, 2019, Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine.

Stephen D. Persell, Laura M. Curtis, M. Wolf, 2020, Patient education and counseling.

M. Wolf, L. Sahm, J. Higgins, 2014, Journal of health communication.

Laura M. Curtis, L. Sharp, M. Shalowitz, 2010, Annals of allergy, asthma & immunology : official publication of the American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology.

M. Kwasny, S. Bailey, R. O’Conor, 2022, Medicine.

M. Arvanitis, R. O’Conor, L. Curtis, 2021, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

Laura M. Curtis, L. Sharp, M. Shalowitz, 2008, The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology.

Ashley R. Bergeron, M. Wolf, W. Shrank, 2012, Journal of General Internal Medicine.

Laura M. Curtis, M. Wolf, R. Parker, 2018, American journal of health-system pharmacy : AJHP : official journal of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.

Laura M. Curtis, L. Lindquist, L. Curtis, 2022, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

David A. Fleming, Anjali U. Pandit, D. Mohr, 2014, Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health.

M. Wolf, D. Altschul, A. Federman, 2021, Journal of General Internal Medicine.

I. Deary, S. Smith, M. Wolf, 2015, Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health.

M. Wolf, A. Federman, Allison R. Dahlke, 2014, Journal of general internal medicine.

M. Wolf, L. Sahm, L. Curtis, 2012, Journal of health communication.

William Revelle, Denise C. Park, Sandra Weintraub, 2012, Journal of General Internal Medicine.

M. Wolf, G. Makoul, Elizabeth A. H. Wilson, 2010, Journal of health communication.

Laura M. Curtis, L. Sharp, M. Shalowitz, 2007, The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology.

S. Smith, M. Wolf, D. Baker, 2014, Health services research.

M. Wolf, D. Courtney, Howard S. Kim, 2019, Pain medicine.

Denise C. Park, Laura M. Curtis, M. Wolf, 2015, Journal of health communication.

Kevin B Weiss, Laura M. Curtis, M. Wolf, 2012, The Journal of asthma : official journal of the Association for the Care of Asthma.

Denise C. Park, Laura M. Curtis, M. Wolf, 2010, Patient education and counseling.

Michael S. Wolf, William Aitken, Samuel G. Smith, 2015, J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc..

David A. Fleming, Anjali U. Pandit, M. Wolf, 2013, Journal of General Internal Medicine.

Katherine Waite, William H Shrank, Stacy Cooper Bailey, 2011, Archives of Internal Medicine.

R. Hasnain-Wynia, M. Wolf, M. Arvanitis, 2019, Journal of General Internal Medicine.

M. Wolf, H. Cabral, M. Paasche-Orlow, 2019, Health literacy research and practice.

Laura M. Curtis, C. von Wagner, S. Smith, 2012, Diseases of the colon and rectum.

Laura M. Curtis, L. Sharp, T. VanderWeele, 2009, The Journal of asthma : official journal of the Association for the Care of Asthma.

A. Federman, M. Kwasny, S. Bailey, 2021, Journal of primary care & community health.

Laura M. Curtis, K. Rankin, C. Nowinski, 2022, Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD.

Anjali U. Pandit, Laura M. Curtis, S. Smith, 2018, Medical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making.

Michael S. Wolf, Laura M. Curtis, Marina Serper, 2013, Journal of health communication.

Laura M. Curtis, L. Sharp, M. Shalowitz, 2009, Annals of allergy, asthma & immunology : official publication of the American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology.

G. Nadkarni, M. R. Mindt, J. Wisnivesky, 2022, medRxiv.

M. Wolf, E. Montague, K. Cameron, 2019, Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety.

M. Wolf, L. Sahm, M. Brennan, 2012, European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.

Laura M. Curtis, M. Wolf, M. Paasche-Orlow, 2018, Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities.

J. Linder, D. Ladner, M. Arvanitis, 2023, PEC innovation.

Laura M. Curtis, A. Federman, S. Bailey, 2019, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

Howard Cabral, Michael S. Wolf, Laura M. Curtis, 2017, Health literacy research and practice.

M. Wolf, R. Parker, A. Wallia, 2020, American journal of health-system pharmacy : AJHP : official journal of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.

Laura M. Curtis, J. Linder, D. Ladner, 2023, PEC Innovation.

M. Wolf, D. Courtney, Howard S. Kim, 2021, Journal of addiction medicine.

David A. Fleming, Anjali U. Pandit, M. Wolf, 2013, Journal of general internal medicine.

Laura M. Curtis, M. Wolf, D. Baker, 2012, Medical care.

R. Hasnain-Wynia, M. Wolf, M. Arvanitis, 2019, Journal of General Internal Medicine.