Susanna Nikolaus


Michael Krawczak, Philip Rosenstiel, Silke Szymczak, 2017, Gastroenterology.

Stefan Schreiber, Amke Caliebe, Friederike Flachsbart, 2009, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Christian Gieger, Andres Metspalu, Christopher G Mathew, 2012, American journal of human genetics.

Thomas Meitinger, Michael Krawczak, Andre Franke, 2011, Mechanisms of Ageing and Development.

Thomas Lengauer, Mario Albrecht, Hans Lehrach, 2005, PLoS medicine.

Stefan Schreiber, S. Nikolaus, Susanna Nikolaus, 2007, Gastroenterology.

Hans Lehrach, Nancy Mah, Anders Thelin, 2004, Physiological genomics.

Philip Rosenstiel, Nathalie Laplante, Andre Franke, 2007, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Christian Gieger, Mario Albrecht, Michael Krawczak, 2010, Nature Genetics.

Philip Rosenstiel, Stefan Schreiber, P. Rosenstiel, 2002, Journal of immunology.

Philip Rosenstiel, Stefan Schreiber, S. Schreiber, 2002, The Journal of Immunology.

Thomas Lengauer, Mario Albrecht, Philip Rosenstiel, 2004, Nature Genetics.