Bradford Cornell


J. Dietrich, Bradford Cornell, Bradford Cornell, 1978, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.

Bradford Cornell, Bradford Cornell, 2003 .

Bradford Cornell, Bradford Cornell, 1977 .

Bradford Cornell, Bradford Cornell, 1979 .

K. French, Bradford Cornell, Kenneth R. French, 1983 .

Ivo Welch, I. Welch, Bradford Cornell, 1996, Journal of Political Economy.

Francis A. Longstaff, Eduardo S. Schwartz, Bradford Cornell, 1996 .

K. French, Bradford Cornell, Kenneth R. French, 1983 .

Bradford Cornell, E. Sirri, Bradford Cornell, 1992 .

Richard Roll, Bradford Cornell, Bradford Cornell, 1981 .

Bradford Cornell, Bradford Cornell, Kathleen Engelmann, 1988, The Journal of Legal Studies.