Richard A Miller


Andrzej T Galecki, Steven A Goldstein, S. Goldstein, 2012, Genome research.

Kenneth L. Hensley, Randy Strong, E. Ongini, 2007, Aging cell.

Stefan Vogt, Lydia Finney, V. Gladyshev, 2011, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

Andrzej T Galecki, William Andrew Lorenz, P. Hanlon, 2006, Physiological genomics.

Richard A. Miller, Richard A Miller, Amir A Sadighi Akha, 2005, Current opinion in immunology.

M. Smith-Wheelock, Richard A. Miller, J. Harper, 2004, The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences.

Dana Rubi Levy, Tali Kimchi, F. Iraqi, 2014, Nature Communications.

S. Austad, Richard A. Miller, J. Harper, 2002, Experimental biology and medicine.

Richard A. Miller, Richard A Miller, 2002, The Milbank quarterly.

Darren Magda, D. Magda, Richard A. Miller, 2006, Seminars in cancer biology.

Sang-Goo Lee, V. Gladyshev, Richard A. Miller, 2017, Cell metabolism.

Douglas E Dow, J. Faulkner, Richard A. Miller, 2005, Physiological genomics.

Rochelle Buffenstein, A. Salmon, R. Buffenstein, 2008, The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences.