K K Holmes


K. Holmes, N. Kiviat, S. Hillier, 1996, American journal of obstetrics and gynecology.

K. Holmes, R. Hooper, K K Holmes, 1979, The New England journal of medicine.

K. Holmes, H. Handsfield, R. Anderson, 1999, American journal of public health.

P Piot, K. Holmes, T. Quinn, 1986, The New England journal of medicine.

K. Holmes, S. Fihn, W. Stamm, 1982, The New England journal of medicine.

K. Holmes, R. Hooper, K K Holmes, 1978, American journal of epidemiology.

K. Holmes, D. Galloway, L. Koutsky, 1988, Epidemiologic reviews.

K. Holmes, H. Handsfield, W. Whittington, 1999, American journal of public health.

K. Holmes, J. Hughes, E. Gotuzzo, 1998, Sexually transmitted infections.

R. Peeling, K. Holmes, A. Ronald, 2006, Sexually Transmitted Infections.

K. Holmes, S. Aral, K K Holmes, 1991, Scientific American.

K. Holmes, H. Handsfield, T. Lipman, 1974, The New England journal of medicine.

K. Holmes, H. Handsfield, W. Whittington, 1996, Sexually transmitted diseases.