Vincent Giguère


Anastasia Kralli, V. Giguère, Josep A. Villena, 2007, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Mathieu Blanchette, M. Blanchette, R. Evans, 2007, Cell metabolism.

V. Giguère, G. Deblois, Vincent Giguère, 2008, Molecular endocrinology.

V. Giguère, A. Chambers, J. Mymryk, 2011, Laboratory Investigation.

Céline Lefebvre, F. Robert, C. Lefebvre, 2005, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

R. Evans, V. Giguère, Ronald M. Evans, 1988, Nature.

Nicolas Cermakian, V. Giguère, N. Cermakian, 2005, Journal of biological rhythms.

Maxime Caron, Guillaume Bourque, Morag Park, 2016, Nature Communications.