The Atlas Collaboration


M. Unverzagt, D. Mekterovic, M. Thiel, 2015, 1510.09167.

The Atlas Collaboration, 2011, 1110.1530.

The Atlas Collaboration, The ATLAs Collaboration, 2011, 1102.0459.

A. Karabarbounis, C. Papanicolas, P. Achenbach, 2006, nucl-ex/0604013.

The Atlas Collaboration, The ATLAs Collaboration, 2011, 1108.5064.

The Atlas Collaboration, The ATLAs Collaboration, 2012, 1204.0735.

The Atlas Collaboration, The ATLAs Collaboration, The Atlas Collaboration, 2011, 1106.1592.

The Atlas Collaboration, 2013, 1311.7070.

A. Karabarbounis, C. Papanicolas, P. Achenbach, 2006, nucl-ex/0604013.

M. Unverzagt, D. Mekterovic, M. Thiel, 2016, 1608.07475.

The Atlas Collaboration, The ATLAS Collaboration, 2010, 1012.5104.

The Atlas Collaboration, The ATLAS IBL Collaboration, The ATLAs Collaboration, 2012, 1209.1906.

J. Carvalho, L. Chikovani, T. Djobava, 2007, 0712.1127.

The Atlas Collaboration, The ATLAs Collaboration, 2011, 1102.2696.