M. Boursnell


S. Inglis, S. Efstathiou, X. Zhang, 1998, The Journal of general virology.

M. Boursnell, J. Campbell, F. Tomley, 1988, The Journal of general virology.

T. Brown, M. Binns, M. Boursnell, 1986, The Journal of general virology.

T. Brown, M. Binns, M. Boursnell, 1987, The Journal of general virology.

T. Brown, M. Binns, M. Boursnell, 1985, The Journal of general virology.

C. Mellersh, G. Johnson, P. Gharahkhani, 2010, Investigative ophthalmology & visual science.

A. R. Smith, S. Inglis, T. Brown, 1987, Advances in experimental medicine and biology.

C. S. McLean, M. Boursnell, D. Blakeley, 2001, The journal of gene medicine.

T. Brown, M. Binns, M. Boursnell, 1984, Virus Research.

T. Brown, M. Binns, M. Boursnell, 1984, The Journal of general virology.

T. Brown, M. Boursnell, 1984, Advances in experimental medicine and biology.

I. Brierley, N. Rolley, S. Inglis, 1990, Advances in experimental medicine and biology.

M. Binns, M. Boursnell, J. Campbell, 1989, The Journal of general virology.

T. Brown, M. Binns, M. Boursnell, 1985, The Journal of general virology.

R. Rees, S. Inglis, S. Sivasubramaniam, 1998, Advances in experimental medicine and biology.

D. Pappin, T. Brown, D. Cavanagh, 1985, Journal of General Virology.

T. Brown, M. Binns, M. Boursnell, 1987, Advances in experimental medicine and biology.

L. Olohan, Xuan Liu, S. Carter, 2016, Journal of trace elements in medicine and biology : organ of the Society for Minerals and Trace Elements.

Amy K. Cain, J. Parkhill, D. Maskell, 2017, BMC Genomics.

P. Ricciardi-Castagnoli, J. Hickling, M. Boursnell, 1997, Biochemical Society transactions.

M. Boursnell, F. Tomley, M. Binns, 1987, Advances in experimental medicine and biology.

M. Boursnell, Matthew M. Binns, Darryl J. Pappin, 1985, The Journal of general virology.