D. V. Sarwate


D. V. Sarwate, K. B. Letaief, Bo Yuan, 2016 .

D. V. Sarwate, W. E. Stark, M. B. Pursley, 1982, IEEE Transactions on Communications.

D. V. Sarwate, A. M. Slonneger, D. Sarwate, 1992, IEEE Second International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications.

D. V. Sarwate, R. A. Korkosz, 1992, [Conference Record] SUPERCOMM/ICC '92 Discovering a New World of Communications.

D. V. Sarwate, A. W. Lam, 1989, IEEE/CAM Information Theory Workshop at Cornell.

D. V. Sarwate, 1994, Proceedings of IEEE 3rd International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications (ISSSTA'94).

D. V. Sarwate, D. Sarwate, 1977 .

D. V. Sarwate, R. T. Chien, C. L. Chen, 1975 .

D. V. Sarwate, M. Srinivasan, D. Sarwate, 1997, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory.

D. V. Sarwate, R. A. Korkosz, 1993, Proceedings of MILCOM '93 - IEEE Military Communications Conference.

D. V. Sarwate, R. A. Korkosz, 1994, Proceedings of ICC/SUPERCOMM'94 - 1994 International Conference on Communications.