K. Dixon-Gordon


Ateka A. Contractor, Nicole H. Weiss, Angela G. Darosh, 2019, Journal of clinical psychology.

K. Dixon-Gordon, L. C. Conkey, S. Woods, 2020 .

Diana J. Whalen, K. Dixon-Gordon, L. C. Conkey, 2018, Current opinion in psychology.

M. Tull, K. L. Gratz, K. Dixon-Gordon, 2016, Archives of suicide research : official journal of the International Academy for Suicide Research.

Ateka A. Contractor, Nicole H. Weiss, K. Dixon-Gordon, 2019, Journal of dual diagnosis.

Ateka A. Contractor, Nicole H. Weiss, Nathan T. Kearns, 2019, International journal of stress management.

E. Dehon, K. Zachrison, R. Tabatabai, 2021, The western journal of emergency medicine.

Andrew C. Belden, D. Barch, J. Luby, 2015, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

Shireen L. Rizvi, S. Rizvi, Skye Fitzpatrick, 2022, Perspectives on psychological science : a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.

Diana J. Whalen, K. Dixon-Gordon, L. C. Conkey, 2018, Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment.

M. Tull, K. L. Gratz, J. Lavender, 2022, Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment.

Nicole H. Weiss, A. Chapman, M. Z. Rosenthal, 2014, Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment.

Andrew C. Belden, D. Barch, J. Luby, 2016, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

K. Dixon-Gordon, B. Ammerman, Grace Y. Cho, 2020, Archives of suicide research : official journal of the International Academy for Suicide Research.

A. Aldao, Andres De Los Reyes, K. Dixon-Gordon, 2016, Cognition & emotion.

Alexander G. Theodoridis, E. Markowitz, B. Lickel, 2023, Political Research Quarterly.

Brianna J. Turner, A. Chapman, M. Tull, 2018, Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry.

A. Chapman, K. Dixon-Gordon, 2007, Suicide & life-threatening behavior.

K. Dixon-Gordon, Alexander L. Chapman, 1966, Dialectical behavior therapy..

M. Tull, K. L. Gratz, K. Dixon-Gordon, 2014, Journal of affective disorders.

Ateka A. Contractor, Nicole H. Weiss, Heather T. Schatten, 2021, The Journal of nervous and mental disease.

Nicole H. Weiss, C. Peasant, Tami P. Sullivan, 2017, Psychological trauma : theory, research, practice and policy.

Brianna J. Turner, K. L. Gratz, K. Dixon-Gordon, 2018, Current opinion in psychology.

A. Chapman, K. Dixon-Gordon, B. Layden, 2010, Personality disorders.

A. Aldao, K. Dixon-Gordon, 2014, Cognitive behaviour therapy.

A. Chapman, Diana J. Whalen, K. Dixon-Gordon, 2015, Canadian psychology = Psychologie canadienne.

Christopher R. Berghoff, M. J. Mcdermott, K. Dixon-Gordon, 2018, Journal of personality disorders.

Brianna J. Turner, A. Chapman, K. Dixon-Gordon, 2011, International review of psychiatry.

K. Dixon-Gordon, Patrick T. McGonigal, 2020, Journal of correctional health care : the official journal of the National Commission on Correctional Health Care.

S. Yen, K. Dixon-Gordon, Jessica R. Peters, 2017, Journal of psychotherapy integration.

A. Chapman, M. Tull, K. L. Gratz, 2019, Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment.

A. Chapman, M. Tull, K. L. Gratz, 2019, Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment.

K. Dixon-Gordon, Julia D. McQuade, Nicholas P. Marsh, 2019, Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology.

A. Chapman, Angela Yiu, K. Dixon-Gordon, 2013, Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry.

Samantha L. Bernecker, Katherine L. Dixon-Gordon, K. Dixon-Gordon, 2015 .

A. Chapman, K. Dixon-Gordon, Kristy N. Walters, 2011 .

M. Tull, K. L. Gratz, K. Dixon-Gordon, 2015 .

K. Dixon-Gordon, Lauren A. Haliczer, S. Fitzpatrick, 2020, Journal of affective disorders.

Nicole H. Weiss, A. Chapman, M. Z. Rosenthal, 2014, Journal of psychopathology and behavioral assessment.

A. Chapman, M. Tull, K. L. Gratz, 2020, Archives of suicide research : official journal of the International Academy for Suicide Research.

Brianna J. Turner, A. Chapman, M. Tull, 2022, Suicide & life-threatening behavior.

Jason P. Rose, M. Tull, K. L. Gratz, 2021, Annals of behavioral medicine : a publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine.

Nicole H. Weiss, C. Peasant, Tami P. Sullivan, 2018, Journal of traumatic stress.

Ateka A. Contractor, Nicole H. Weiss, Tami P. Sullivan, 2018, Journal of affective disorders.

K. Dixon-Gordon, Julia D. McQuade, Katherine L. Dixon-Gordon, 2019, Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology.

Ateka A. Contractor, Nicole H. Weiss, Melissa R. Schick, 2019, The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse.

Brianna J. Turner, P. Kuppens, A. Chapman, 2017, Journal of personality disorders.

Christopher R. Berghoff, K. L. Gratz, K. Dixon-Gordon, 2020, Journal of clinical psychology.

M. Tull, K. L. Gratz, J. Lavender, 2022, Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment.

A. Chapman, M. Z. Rosenthal, K. Dixon-Gordon, 2020, Personality disorders.

Ateka A. Contractor, Nicole H. Weiss, Angela G. Darosh, 2019, Archives of Sexual Behavior.

K. Dixon-Gordon, Lauren A. Haliczer, 2023, Journal of affective disorders.

Ateka A. Contractor, Nicole H. Weiss, K. Dixon-Gordon, 2020, Psychological trauma : theory, research, practice and policy.

Ateka A. Contractor, Nicole H. Weiss, C. Armour, 2020, Journal of traumatic stress.

Holly B. Laws, K. Dixon-Gordon, 2021, Journal of personality disorders.

Nicole H. Weiss, Melissa R. Schick, K. Dixon-Gordon, 2021, Personality and individual differences.

Megan M. Risi, Nicole H. Weiss, Tami P. Sullivan, 2018, The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse.

A. Chapman, K. Dixon-Gordon, S. Fitzpatrick, 2023, Current Psychiatry Reports.

N. Rathlev, E. Boudreaux, Andrew L. Cohen, 2021, Journal of psychiatric research.

Janice R. Kuo, P. Links, D. Streiner, 2023, Psychiatry Research.

Elke A. Rundensteiner, M. L. Tlachac, Elke Rundensteiner, 2021, 2021 IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI).

M. J. Mcdermott, M. Tull, K. L. Gratz, 2014, Psychiatry Research.

Nicole H. Weiss, K. Dixon-Gordon, Lauren A. Haliczer, 2023, Journal of affective disorders.

M. Tull, K. L. Gratz, K. Dixon-Gordon, 2018, Journal of personality disorders.

E. Markowitz, Tatishe M. Nteta, Joel Ginn, 2022, Social psychological and personality science.

Michael J. Constantino, Samantha L. Bernecker, K. Dixon-Gordon, 2018, The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology.

K. Dixon-Gordon, L. C. Conkey, Lauren A. Haliczer, 2018, The Oxford Handbook of Emotion Dysregulation.

Brianna J. Turner, A. Chapman, M. Z. Rosenthal, 2017, Journal of personality disorders.

Andrew C. Belden, D. Barch, J. Luby, 2015, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

Brianna J. Turner, A. Chapman, M. Tull, 2018, Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry.

Tejas Savalia, K. Dixon-Gordon, Lauren A. Haliczer, 2024, Journal of affective disorders.