Tom Coffey


Liang Tian, Reiner Dojen, Tom Coffey, 2005 .

Anca D. Jurcut, Reiner Dojen, Tom Coffey, 2019, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing.

Reiner Dojen, Tom Coffey, Anca Jurcut, 2014, 2014 Twelfth Annual International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust.

Thomas Newe, Tom Coffey, T. Coffey, 1998, Comput. Secur..

Reiner Dojen, Tom Coffey, Anca Jurcut, 2012, 2012 Seventh International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security.

Vladimir Pasca, Reiner Dojen, Tom Coffey, 2009, MobiSec.

Reiner Dojen, Tom Coffey, Carla Muntean, 2009, 2009 IEEE 5th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing.

Reiner Dojen, Tom Coffey, Ioana Lasc, 2011, Int. J. Inf. Secur. Priv..

Tom Coffey, Puneet Saidha, T. Coffey, 1996, CCRV.

Reiner Dojen, Tom Coffey, Tomas Flanagan, 2003, Comput. Networks.

Ioan Salomie, Mihaela Dînsoreanu, Claudiu Anghel, 2006, ArXiv.

Ioan Salomie, Tom Coffey, Marian Ventuneac, 2003, ISICT.

Thomas Newe, Tom Coffey, T. Coffey, 2003, Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng..

Ioan Salomie, Tom Coffey, Marian Ventuneac, 2003, Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces, 2003. ITI 2003..

Weijun Wang, Tom Coffey, 1992, SEC.

Fan Zhang, Reiner Dojen, Tom Coffey, 2008, 2008 IEEE International Performance, Computing and Communications Conference.

Reiner Dojen, Tom Coffey, 2003, ISICT.

Reiner Dojen, Tom Coffey, Jinyong Chen, 2014 .

Reiner Dojen, Tom Coffey, Tomas Flanagan, 2003, Security and Management.

Reiner Dojen, Tom Coffey, Robert Gyorodi, 2009 .

Reiner Dojen, Tom Coffey, Robert Gyorodi, 2008 .