I. Ahmed


I. Ahmed, Z. Bharucha, N. K. Naidu, 2016, Asian journal of transfusion science.

R. Silverman, Y. Dlugacz, Z. Ross, 2012, American journal of obstetrics and gynecology.

I. Ahmed, A. M. Elhussein, Ausrafuggaman Nahid, 2018, Journal of Advances in Microbiology.

I. Ahmed, S. Lawal, S. Olowe, 1987, Annals of tropical paediatrics.

V. Rotimi, I. Ahmed, S. Olowe, 1985, Journal of Hygiene.

I. Ahmed, T. Agusto-Odutola, 1970, Archives of disease in childhood.

I. Ahmed, Z. Bharucha, N. K. Naidu, 2012, Asian journal of transfusion science.

N. Mamoon, A. Qureshi, Z. Ali, 2017, JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association.

I. Ahmed, F. Tanwir, S. Hashmi, 2014, Oral health and dental management.