R. Fedele


M. Lisak, P. Johannisson, M. Marklund, 2003, Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics.

Sergio De Nicola, Pasquale Londrillo, Paolo Tomassini, 2017, 1708.04957.

V. Semenov, M. Lisak, D. Anderson, 2001, Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics.

S. De Nicola, D. Jovanović, C. Ronsivalle, 2013, Journal of Plasma Physics.

L. Stenflo, P. Shukla, R. Fedele, 2002 .


G. Miano, C. Nappi, V. Vaccaro, 1987, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science.

S. De Nicola, D. Jovanović, R. Fedele, 2013, Journal of Plasma Physics.

V. Man'ko, R. Fedele, S. Nicola, 2001, quant-ph/0112123.

V. Man'ko, R. Fedele, M. A. Man'ko, 2006, quant-ph/0611114.

J. Vieira, J. T. Mendonça, R. Fedele, 2022, Frontiers in Physics.

S. Nicola, P. Londrillo, L. Labate, 2018, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment.

A. Luque, H. Schamel, R. Fedele, 2003, physics/0311126.

A. Osborne, M. Onorato, R. Fedele, 2002, Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics.

S. De Nicola, D. Jovanović, M. Onorato, 2015, Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics.

S. Nicola, V. Man'ko, R. Fedele, 2004 .

Mietek Lisak, Diana Anderson, Miguel Onorato, 2002, nlin/0207050.

R. Fedele, 2008, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences.

P. Shukla, N. Tsintsadze, M. Onorato, 2002, nlin/0207052.

P. Shukla, H. Schamel, R. Fedele, 2001 .

Sergio De Nicola, Margarita A. Man'ko, Vladimir I. Man'ko, 2021, Entropy.

V. Man'ko, R. Fedele, S. Nicola, 2002, nlin/0207057.

G. Miele, V. Man'ko, F. Galluccio, 1995, acc-phys/9510003.

M. Belić, S. De Nicola, D. Jovanović, 2013, Journal of Plasma Physics.

J. Grießmeier, H. Schamel, R. Fedele, 2002 .

S. Nicola, R. Fedele, G. Fiore, 2023, 2303.03322.

D. Jovanović, M. De Angelis, R. Fedele, 2022, Mathematics.

V. Vaccaro, R. Fedele, U. D. Angelis, 1987 .

M. Lisak, D. Anderson, R. Fedele, 2000 .

S. De Nicola, D. Jovanović, R. Fedele, 2013, Journal of Plasma Physics.

S. Carlino, C. Godano, R. Fedele, 2022, The European Physical Journal Plus.

S. Carlino, C. Godano, R. Fedele, 2022, The European Physical Journal Plus.

S. M. Wiggins, Z. Sheng, I. F. Barna, 2020, The European Physical Journal Special Topics.

S. De Nicola, D. Jovanović, R. Fedele, 2023, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena.

Dawson, Su, Fedele, 1990, Physical review. A, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics.

M. Belić, S. De Nicola, D. Jovanović, 2017, The European Physical Journal D.

G. Miano, V. Vaccaro, R. Fedele, 1990 .