N. Chouin


Manuel Bardiès, Ludovic Ferrer, Nicolas Chouin, 2009, Cancer biotherapy & radiopharmaceuticals.

S. Huclier-Markai, F. Haddad, N. Chouin, 2018, Cancer biotherapy & radiopharmaceuticals.

C. Bodet-Milin, F. Kraeber-Bodéré, T. Carlier, 2020, Cancer Immunology.

I. Buvat, M. Moreau, F. Kraeber-Bodéré, 2015, Physics in medicine and biology.

M. Luster, M. Lassmann, F. Verburg, 2017, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.

P. Albertsson, L. Jacobsson, R. Hultborn, 2013, The Journal of Nuclear Medicine.

P. Albertsson, L. Jacobsson, R. Hultborn, 2013, Cancer biotherapy & radiopharmaceuticals.

C. Bascoul-Mollevi, I. Navarro-Teulon, A. Pèlegrin, 2014, Nuclear medicine and biology.

Manuel Bardiès, André Pèlegrin, Nicolas Chouin, 2008, Radiation research.

I. Navarro-Teulon, A. Pèlegrin, M. Bardiès, 2011, Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology.

Manuel Bardiès, Ludovic Ferrer, Nicolas Chouin, 2007, Cancer biotherapy & radiopharmaceuticals.

C. Bodet-Milin, F. Kraeber-Bodéré, T. Carlier, 2015, International journal of molecular sciences.

C. Bailly, C. Bodet-Milin, F. Kraeber-Bodéré, 2019, Nuclear Medicine Therapy.

C. Stokke, M. Cremonesi, F. Verburg, 2022, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.

G. Glatting, C. Stokke, M. Cremonesi, 2023, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.

E. Visser, S. Walrand, M. Ljungberg, 2017, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.

Manuel Bardies, Nicolas Chouin, M. Bardiès, 2011, Current radiopharmaceuticals.

F. Bruchertseifer, A. Faivre-Chauvet, N. Chouin, 2024, European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging.

T. Bäck, H. Jensen, S. Lindegren, 2012, The Quarterly Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.