B. Crouch


A. Nakashima, M. Slawson, R. Horth, 2018, MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report.

M. Poynton, L. Ellington, Srichand Jasti, 2009, Clinical toxicology.

Nancy Staggers, Per Gesteland, Mollie R Cummins, 2012, Clinical toxicology.

B. Crouch, C. Porucznik, K. Thomas, 2012, MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report.

J. Schunk, B. Crouch, K. Bassett, 1996, The American journal of emergency medicine.

L. Ellington, W. Dudley, Srichand Jasti, 2008, Clinical toxicology.

B. Crouch, E. Caravati, J. Booth, 2004, American journal of health-system pharmacy : AJHP : official journal of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.

L. Moyer-Mileur, B. Crouch, E. Guenther, 2005, Pediatric emergency care.

C. Tak, B. Crouch, H. Bennett, 2017, The American journal of emergency medicine.

L. Ellington, B. Crouch, L. Sheldon, 2009, Journal of emergency nursing: JEN : official publication of the Emergency Department Nurses Association.

B. Crouch, W. Rusho, 2005, Annals of emergency medicine.

Andrew C. Martin, B. Crouch, E. Caravati, 2004, The Annals of pharmacotherapy.

T. Litovitz, J. Youniss, W. Klein-Schwartz, 2005, The American journal of emergency medicine.

D. Crouch, D. Rollins, B. Crouch, 1998, Journal of toxicology. Clinical toxicology.

B. Benson, H. Spiller, W. Klein-Schwartz, 2007, Clinical toxicology.

Scott D Nelson, Guilherme Del Fiol, Mollie R Cummins, 2016, Applied Clinical Informatics.

P. Dayan, T. Litovitz, A. Scalzo, 1996, Annals of emergency medicine.

B. Crouch, E. Caravati, N. Mckeown, 2008, Clinical toxicology.

B. Crouch, W. Klein‐Schwartz, 2017 .

Guilherme Del Fiol, Mollie R. Cummins, Barbara Insley Crouch, 2015, J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc..

C. Tak, M. Mundorff, B. Crouch, 2020, Pediatric emergency care.

A. Suruda, D. Blodgett, B. Crouch, 2001, American journal of industrial medicine.

B. Crouch, B. Horowitz, E. Caravati, 2018, Clinical toxicology.

B. Crouch, M. Milne, E. Caravati, 2009, Journal of pain & palliative care pharmacotherapy.

Lee Ellington, Barbara Insley Crouch, K. C. Thomas, 2013, Clinical toxicology.

S. Seiferta, H. Spiller, B. Crouch, 2009, Journal of Medical Toxicology.

S. Planalp, L. Ellington, B. Crouch, 2012, Qualitative health research.

S. Planalp, L. Ellington, B. Crouch, 2011, Patient education and counseling.

M. Reblin, L. Ellington, B. Crouch, 2011, Clinical toxicology.

B. Crouch, Marty Malheiro, Kaitlyn Brown, 2019, Clinical pediatrics.

B. Crouch, E. Caravati, Ed Moltz, 2009, American journal of health-system pharmacy : AJHP : official journal of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.

S. Planalp, L. Ellington, B. Crouch, 2009, Clinical toxicology.

Mollie R. Cummins, Per H. Gesteland, Barbara I. Crouch, 2012, 2012 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

T. Litovitz, J. Youniss, T L Litovitz, 1999, The American journal of emergency medicine.

B. Crouch, J. Juenke, E. Caravati, 2005, The Annals of pharmacotherapy.