Hakyeon Lee


Hakyeon Lee, Bokwon Jeong, Hakyeon Lee, 2016 .

Hakyeon Lee, Yongtae Park, Hyeonju Seol, 2012, Expert Syst. Appl..

Hakyeon Lee, Chulhyun Kim, Yongtae Park, 2010, Comput. Ind. Eng..

Hakyeon Lee, Yongtae Park, Jeonghwan Jeon, 2011, Technol. Anal. Strateg. Manag..

Hakyeon Lee, Yongtae Park, Jieun Kim, 2017, Technol. Anal. Strateg. Manag..

Hakyeon Lee, Youngjung Geum, Yongtae Park, 2012 .

Hakyeon Lee, Changyong Lee, Changyong Lee, 2015 .

Hakyeon Lee, Ikjin Jeon, 서울과학기술대학교 IT정책전문대학원 박사과정, 2016 .

Wonjoon Kim, Hakyeon Lee, Jeonghwan Jeon, 2016, Technol. Anal. Strateg. Manag..

Hakyeon Lee, Chulhyun Kim, Hakyeon Lee, 2012, Int. J. Mob. Commun..

Hakyeon Lee, Chulhyun Kim, Hakyeon Lee, 2014, Expert Syst. Appl..

Hakyeon Lee, Soung Ryong Yee, Moon-Soo Kim, 2017 .

Hakyeon Lee, Yongtae Park, Woo-seok Jang, 2018, Scientometrics.

Pilsung Kang, Hakyeon Lee, Boseop Kim, 2018, Appl. Soft Comput..

Hakyeon Lee, Chulhyun Kim, Yongtae Park, 2006, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology.

Sora Lee, Hakyeon Lee, Yongtae Park, 2009, Math. Comput. Model..

Hakyeon Lee, Yongtae Park, Yongtae Park, 2009, 2009 International Conference on Management and Service Science.

Hakyeon Lee, Juneseuk Shin, Juneseuk Shin, 2013 .

Hakyeon Lee, Yongtae Park, Hyeonju Seol, 2006, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology.