Patricia O'Sullivan


Sumant R Ranji, Patricia Cornett, Karen E Hauer, 2013, Journal of graduate medical education.

Diane Heestand, Carol Kamin, C. Kamin, 2006, Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges.

Patricia O'Sullivan, Sandrijn van Schaik, Jennifer Plant, 2013, Medical teacher.

Olle Cate, H. C. Chen, O. Cate, 2014, Medical education.

C. Mkony, Patricia O'Sullivan, Jessica H Beard, 2014, Journal of surgical education.

S. Schexnayder, Stephen M Schexnayder, Patricia O'Sullivan, 2004, Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges.

Robin Deterding, Carol Kamin, Monica Younger, 2003, Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges.