B. Romestand


A. Huvet, Y. Guéguen, J. Fiévet, 2005, Biochemical and biophysical research communications.

F. Molina, C. Granier, P. Roch, 2003, European journal of biochemistry.

Nicole Lautrédou-Audouy, Marylise Duperthuy, P. Schmitt, 2011, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

F. Bonhomme, G. Charmantier, F. Aujoulat, 2005, Journal of Experimental Biology.

B. Romestand, C. POMPORT‐CASTILLON, Johan F. Jonckheere, 1997, The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology.

S. Klinbunga, Y. Guéguen, A. Tassanakajon, 2005, Developmental and comparative immunology.

O. Levy, F. Roquet, Y. Guéguen, 2007, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

J. D. de Jonckheere, B. Romestand, C. POMPORT‐CASTILLON, 2000, Diseases of aquatic organisms.

Y. Guéguen, J. de Lorgeril, E. Bachère, 2007, Developmental and comparative immunology.

B. Romestand, H. Blancou, Z. Benfodda, 2010, European journal of medicinal chemistry.

J. Beauvillain, G. Mitta, M. Salzet, 2000, Journal of cell science.

B. Romestand, 1979, Annales de parasitologie humaine et comparee.

H. Cottet, L. Garrelly, F. Oukacine, 2011, Analytical Chemistry.

R. Pascal, I. Desvignes, B. Romestand, 2010, Biomacromolecules.