S. Stevens


Jonathan Reynolds, Graham Everest, Shaun Stevens, 2006 .

S. Stevens, C. Blondel, Corinne Blondel, 2007, Compositio Mathematica.

G. Everest, J. Reynolds, S. Stevens, 2006, math/0606003.

G. Everest, S. Stevens, Patrick Ingram, 2007, math/0703553.

S. Stevens, Vincent S'echerre, 2016, Compositio Mathematica.

T. Ward, S. Stevens, Stefanie Zegowitz, 2014, 1407.7787.

S. Stevens, M. Miyauchi, 2012, 1212.0525.

S. Stevens, Jaime Lust, 2016, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society.

S. Stevens, R. Kurinczuk, Daniel Skodlerack, 2016, Inventiones mathematicae.

S. Stevens, C. Blondel, G. Henniart, 2017, Algebra & Number Theory.

U. K. Anandavardhanan, S. Stevens, R. Kurinczuk, 2018, Journal of the European Mathematical Society.

S. Stevens, R. Kurinczuk, 2015, Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal).

G. Everest, S. Stevens, Patrick Ingram, 2009, LMS J. Comput. Math..

S. Stevens, Vincent S'echerre, P. Broussous, 2010, Documenta Mathematica.

S. Stevens, Vincent S'echerre, 2010, 1009.1062.

S. Stevens, R. Kurinczuk, Daniel Skodlerack, 2016, 1611.02667.

S. Stevens, Daniel Skodlerack, 2015, Nagoya Mathematical Journal.

Moshe Adrian, Peng Xu, S. Stevens, 2014, 1409.4790.

S. Stevens, Vytautas Paškūnas, 2006, math/0603051.

Carlos de la Mora, S. Stevens, 2015 .

S. Stevens, Vincent S'echerre, 2016, Compositio Mathematica.