R. Rosenberg


R. Malow, M. Míguez, X. Burbano-Levy, 2011, The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care : JANAC.

R. Malow, J. Stein, R. Rosenberg, 2009, The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care : JANAC.

G. Donenberg, R. Malow, R. Rosenberg, 2006, American journal of infectious diseases.

R. Malow, A. Russell, R. Rosenberg, 2004, The ABNF journal : official journal of the Association of Black Nursing Faculty in Higher Education, Inc.

R. Malow, R. Rosenberg, G. Reynolds, 2006, American journal of infectious diseases.

R. Malow, R. Rosenberg, S. D. Reid, 2012, Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care.

R. Malow, R. Rosenberg, J. Dévieux, 2011, Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care.

R. Malow, B. Lichtenstein, R. Rosenberg, 2010, The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care : JANAC.

L. Norman, R. Malow, R. Rosenberg, 2011, Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care.

J. Lewis, R. Malow, Vaughn E. Bryant, 2010, Journal of the International AIDS Society.

T. Kershaw, R. Malow, H. Sipsma, 2007, Current HIV/AIDS reports.

L. Lipsitz, T. Fried, R. Rosenberg, 1995, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

J. S. St. Lawrence, R. Malow, J. Dyer, 2006, Substance use & misuse.

R. Rosenberg, A. Saxena, J. Dévieux, 2016, Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health.

R. Malow, Vaughn E. Bryant, R. Rosenberg, 2015, Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care.

J. Cadet, R. Rosenberg, J. Dévieux, 2016, Genetics research international.

R. Malow, B. Ruffin, R. Rosenberg, 2011, Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care.

Deanne M. Samuels, R. Malow, R. Rosenberg, 2006, Substance use & misuse.

R. Jacobs, Deanne M. Samuels, R. Malow, 2005, Journal of Urban Health.

M. Nair, C. Yoo, Adriana Yndart, 2014, Current HIV research.

J. Cadet, R. Rosenberg, J. Dévieux, 2015, Behavioral and Brain Functions.

J. Pape, M. Deschamps, R. Rosenberg, 2023, Critical pathways in cardiology.

R. Rosenberg, J. Dévieux, M. Jean-Gilles, 2020, Journal of child sexual abuse.

R. Rosenberg, J. Dévieux, J. Attonito, 2014, The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care : JANAC.

R. Rosenberg, R. Mcmahon, J. Dévieux, 2020, Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings.

R. Malow, Vaughn E. Bryant, R. Rosenberg, 2013, Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health.

R. Malow, M. Míguez, X. Burbano-Levy, 2012, Future virology.

J. Pape, M. Deschamps, S. Koenig, 2019, Global public health.

R. Malow, R. Rosenberg, R. Mcmahon, 2008, The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse.