Karel Casteels


R. Richter, Karel Casteels, 2008 .

Brett Stevens, Karel Casteels, B. Stevens, 2009, Discret. Math..

J. Bell, Karel Casteels, S. Launois, 2010, 1009.1347.

Karel Casteels, 2012, 1210.6399.

Karel Casteels, Karel Casteels, 2021, Linear and Multilinear Algebra.

Stéphane Launois, Karel Casteels, Jaon Bell, 2010, J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A.

Karel Casteels, Zee Fryer, 2017, Algebras and Representation Theory.

R. Bruce Richter, Karel Casteels, R. Richter, 2008, J. Graph Theory.