Christopher T. Elliott


A. Petchkongkaew, Christopher T. Elliott, I. O. Owolabi, 2022, npj Science of Food.

W. Visessanguan, Saowalak Adunphatcharaphon, A. Petchkongkaew, 2023, Food Bioscience.

N. Karoonuthaisiri, A. Petchkongkaew, Christopher T. Elliott, 2023, Food Research International.

L. Vanhaecke, S. V. van Ruth, Christopher T. Elliott, 2023, Nature communications.

S. V. van Ruth, Christopher T. Elliott, S. Erasmus, 2022, npj Science of Food.

S. V. van Ruth, Christopher T. Elliott, S. Erasmus, 2023, Food research international.

M. Quaglia, D. Burns, Christopher T. Elliott, 2023, Comprehensive reviews in food science and food safety.