B. Drew


M. Aldalaykeh, M. Al-Hammouri, Jehad A. Rababah, 2019, BMC Public Health.

Susan L. Jones, S. Meldon, B. Drew, 2006, Archives of psychiatric nursing.

K. Delaney, B. Drew, 2009, Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association.

Carly M. Goldstein, J. Hughes, Brooke L. Bennett, 2015, Journal of American college health : J of ACH.

Ratchneewan Ross, Jehad A. Rababah, B. Drew, 2016, Holistic nursing practice.

K. Delaney, B. Drew, Amy S. Rushton, 2018, Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association.

J. Connor, L. Mion, S. Meldon, 2003, Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine.

James W. Campbell, J. Connor, S. Payne, 2003, Annals of emergency medicine.

E. Hamera, K. Delaney, B. Drew, 2009, Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association.

Ratchneewan Ross, B. Drew, A. W. Stidham, 2012, Archives of psychiatric nursing.

L. Mion, S. Meldon, B. Drew, 2004, Western journal of nursing research.

J. Creswell, Ratchneewan Ross, B. Drew, 2013, The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care : JANAC.