V. V. Shorin


Ernst M. Gabidulin, Vitaly V. Shorin, V. V. Shorin, 2005 .

E. M. Gabidulin, E. Gabidulin, V. V. Shorin, 2002, Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory,.

V. V. Shorin, E. M. Gabddulin, 2003, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 2003. Proceedings..

V. V. Shorin, I. I. Deridovich, I. V. Diuĭzen, 2003, Morfologiia.

V. V. Shorin, I. Dyuizen, I. I. Deridovich, 2004, Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology.

V. V. Shorin, I. Dyuizen, P. A. Motavkin, 2001, Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine.

Ernst M. Gabidulin, Vitaly V. Shorin, Vadim V. Jelezniakov, 2001, Electron. Notes Discret. Math..

Ernst M. Gabidulin, Vitaly V. Shorin, E. Gabidulin, 2002, Probl. Inf. Transm..

Pierre Loidreau, Vitaly V. Shorin, P. Loidreau, 2005, Proceedings. International Symposium on Information Theory, 2005. ISIT 2005..