Charlotte Skoglund


L. Ljungman, A. Wikman, E. Fransson, 2020, International journal of cancer.

P. Lichtenstein, Qi Chen, H. Larsson, 2015, Biological Psychiatry.

P. Lichtenstein, B. D’Onofrio, Qi Chen, 2014, Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines.

Charlotte Skoglund, N. Durbeej, Tobias H. Elgán, 2017, Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy.

H. Kopp Kallner, M. Thorsell, Charlotte Skoglund, 2022, Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare.

Charlotte Skoglund, A. Granström, T. Wester, 2019, Journal of pediatric surgery.

P. Kvillemo, Charlotte Skoglund, Tobias H. Elgán, 2022, Frontiers in Public Health.

O. Beck, Charlotte Skoglund, U. Hermansson, 2015, Journal of substance abuse treatment.

A. Wikman, I. Sundström-Poromaa, Charlotte Skoglund, 2022, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

A. Wikman, H. Kopp Kallner, Charlotte Skoglund, 2021, Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica.

P. Kvillemo, Charlotte Skoglund, A. Carlander, 2021, Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy.

P. Kvillemo, Charlotte Skoglund, Anna K. Strandberg, 2019, Nordisk alkohol- & narkotikatidskrift : NAT.

M. Heilig, S. Leknes, Charlotte Skoglund, 2022, Journal of Medical Case Reports.

Charlotte Skoglund, A. Granström, T. Wester, 2019, Journal of pediatric surgery.

A. Wikman, A. Wikström, A. Skalkidou, 2020, BJOG : an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology.

B. D’Onofrio, R. Kuja‐Halkola, Qi Chen, 2019, Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines.

Charlotte Skoglund, T. Wester, A. Svenningsson, 2021, Acta paediatrica.

B. D’Onofrio, H. Larsson, J. Franck, 2017, European Neuropsychopharmacology.

A. Wikman, I. Sundström Poromaa, A. Wikström, 2019, JAMA network open.

E. Fransson, T. Ibiebele, C. Nagle, 2020 .