Bo Young Choi


B. G. Jang, Hong-Ki Song, S. Suh, 2012, Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism.

Dae Ki Hong, Hong-Ki Song, S. Lee, 2018, International journal of molecular sciences.

Won-Suk Chung, Sang-Kyu Lee, S. Lee, 2019, Translational research : the journal of laboratory and clinical medicine.

M. Potenza, Sun Huh, D. Kim, 2019, Psychiatry investigation.

Dae Ki Hong, Hong-Ki Song, S. Lee, 2018, International journal of molecular sciences.

Hong-Ki Song, S. Suh, Bo Young Choi, 2012, Journal of trace elements in medicine and biology : organ of the Society for Minerals and Trace Elements.

Dae Ki Hong, Hong-Ki Song, S. Lee, 2020, Frontiers in neuroscience.

Hong-Ki Song, S. Suh, Hui-Chul Choi, 2013, Brain Research.

Bo Eun Lee, Hong-Ki Song, S. Suh, 2014, Metallomics : integrated biometal science.

Bo Eun Lee, S. Lee, S. Suh, 2015, Neuroendocrinology.

Dae Ki Hong, S. Lee, S. Suh, 2022, International journal of molecular sciences.

S. Suh, Bo Young Choi, Minwoo Lee, 2017, Current neuropharmacology.

Dae Ki Hong, Hong-Ki Song, S. Lee, 2018, International journal of molecular sciences.

Dae Ki Hong, S. Suh, Bo Young Choi, 2020, International journal of molecular sciences.

Bo Eun Lee, S. Suh, Bo Young Choi, 2014, Journal of trace elements in medicine and biology : organ of the Society for Minerals and Trace Elements.