A. Wingstrand


Anne Wingstrand, Katharina D C Stärk, K. Stärk, 2002, Preventive veterinary medicine.

T. Hald, B. Thorberg, A. Wingstrand, 2003, Epidemiology and Infection.

S. Löfdahl, S. Ethelberg, K. Nygård, 2009, Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin.

A. Wingstrand, J. Dahl, B. Nielsen, 1996 .

A. Wingstrand, B. Nielsen, B. Nielsen, 1996, Veterinary microbiology.

T. Hald, A. Wingstrand, D. L. F. Lo Fo Wong, 2006, Foodborne pathogens and disease.

B. Thorberg, A. Wingstrand, D. L. F. Lo Fo Wong, 2004, Epidemiology and Infection.

E. Nielsen, K. Mølbak, S. Ethelberg, 2008, Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin.

Birgitte Borck Høg, S. Ethelberg, A. Wingstrand, 2002 .

S. Ethelberg, M. Torpdahl, M. K. Kjeldsen, 2012, Epidemiology and Infection.

T. Hald, H. Korsgaard, A. Wingstrand, 2004, Preventive veterinary medicine.

D. Baggesen, A. Wingstrand, J. Dahl, 1997, Veterinary Record.

A. Wingstrand, D. L. F. Lo Fo Wong, L. Leontides, 2003, Veterinary microbiology.

Anne Wingstrand, Peter Gerner-Smidt, P. Gerner-Smidt, 2006, Emerging infectious diseases.

K. Mølbak, S. Ethelberg, A. Wingstrand, 2008, Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin.

P. Kristensen, M. Davidsen, C. Lau, 2020, Scandinavian journal of public health.

Z. Andersen, E. Simonsen, C. Ellervik, 2019, Journal of public health.

F. Aarestrup, P. Leekitcharoenphon, R. Hendriksen, 2015, Veterinary microbiology.

S. Ethelberg, M. Torpdahl, M. K. Kjeldsen, 2012, Epidemiology and Infection.