L. Venable


Vineet M. Arora, Laura Ruth Venable, V. Arora, 2016, Journal of general internal medicine.

K. Carey, M. Churpek, A. Mayampurath, 2019, PloS one.

K. Carey, M. Churpek, V. Press, 2022, International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

K. Carey, M. Churpek, V. Press, 2022 .

Michael D. Howell, Matthew M. Churpek, Juan C. Rojas, 2018, Annals of the American Thoracic Society.

L. Nelson Sanchez-Pinto, Laura Ruth Venable, John Fahrenbach, 2018, Int. J. Medical Informatics.

Donald Hedeker, Peter J. Pronovost, Robert D. Gibbons, 2017, J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc..

V. Arora, M. A. Alkureishi, W. Lee, 2016, Journal of General Internal Medicine.