Huiyong Liu


Huiyong Liu, Yunpeng Cai, Wenfa Yan, 2020, Applied Optics and Photonics China.

Fuxi Gan, Zhengxiu Fan, Huiyong Liu, 1998, Thin Film Physics and Applications.

Fuxi Gan, Chao Liu, Huiyong Liu, 1996, Optical Storage and Information Data Storage.

Hadis Morkoç, M. A. Reshchikov, Huiyong Liu, 2012, OPTO.

Ming Wei, Winston V. Schoenfeld, Huiyong Liu, 2014, Photonics West - Optoelectronic Materials and Devices.

Xing Li, Hadis Morkoç, Ümit Özgür, 2010, Proceedings of the IEEE.

Lei Shi, Fang Chen, Lei Feng, 2018, NOMS 2018 - 2018 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium.

Congcong Li, Xi Zhang, Huiyong Liu, 2018, IEEE Access.

Chao Liu, Huiyong Liu, Liqiu Q. Men, 1996, Optical Storage and Information Data Storage.

Wei Li, Qing Zhao, Huiyong Liu, 2009, 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics.

Xi Zhang, Huiyong Liu, Tuanwei Xu, 2020, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.