Y. Shechter


A. Oliven, Y. Shechter, Arie Oliven, 2001, Blood reviews.

R. Gershoni-baruch, M. Frydman, Amos Etzioni, 1992, American journal of medical genetics.

M. Hamosh, P. Hamosh, Y. Shechter, 1979, Archives of environmental health.

Y. Henis, Y. Shechter, 1984, Biochimica et biophysica acta.

M. Sela, H. Ungar-Waron, Y. Shechter, 1964, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

M. Hamosh, P. Hamosh, Y. Shechter, 1978, Pediatric Research.

C. Levene, Y. Shechter, Y. Rudolphson, 1980, Transfusion.

D. Magen, R. Elhasid, G. Bar-Joseph, 2001, Pediatric Nephrology.

S. Postovsky, R. Elhasid, Y. Reisner, 2000, Bone Marrow Transplantation.

C. Levene, I. Thaler, Y. Shechter, 1988, Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica.

S. Gaffin, Y. Shechter, J. Birkhan, 1981, The Journal of surgical research.

A. Zlotnik, E. Sheiner, A. Wiznitzer, 2010, The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians.

A. J. Kalb, L. Jacobson, J. Cohen, 1979, Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods.

C. Mueller-Eckhardt, Y. Shechter, V. Kiefel, 1991, Vox sanguinis.

M. Zilberman, B. Brenner, Y. Shechter, 1998, The Journal of laboratory and clinical medicine.

J. Amir, I. Varsano, Y. Shechter, 1994, Israel journal of medical sciences.

M. Hamosh, P. Hamosh, Y. Shechter, 1976, Biochimica et biophysica acta.

Amos Etzioni, A. Eldor, Y. Shechter, 1996, European Journal of Pediatrics.

Y. Shechter, R. Bruck, Y. Shechter, 1991, Hepatology.

Y. Shechter, E. Wolfowitz, Efrat Wolfowitz, 1984, Transfusion.