A. Potapov


S. Scheu, A. Tiunov, A. Potapov, 2018, Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.

S. Scheu, R. Widyastuti, Melanie M. Pollierer, 2019, Ecology and evolution.

P. Jouquet, J. Cortet, A. Brauman, 2022, Geoderma.

S. Scheu, J. Pausch, Melanie M. Pollierer, 2020, Biology and Fertility of Soils.

Malte Jochum, Andrea Polle, Lutz Fehrmann, 2020, Nature Communications.

B. Klarner, S. Scheu, R. M. Mc Donnell, 2022, Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.

E. Veldkamp, B. Irawan, Valentyna Krashevska, 2023, Nature Sustainability.

E. Veldkamp, D. Schneider, L. Fehrmann, 2020, Nature Communications.

S. Scheu, R. Widyastuti, A. Potapov, 2023, Ecology letters.

Miryam S. Merk, D. Schneider, D. Buchori, 2023, Nature.

S. Scheu, A. Potapov, D. Sandmann, 2019, Biodiversity Information Science and Standards.

B. Irawan, T. Tscharntke, H. Kreft, 2023, Communications Earth & Environment.