Dong Chen


Jun Liang, Xuefeng Zheng, Dong Chen, 2012, Hepato-gastroenterology.

S. Bulun, Dong Chen, Hong Zhao, 2012, Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism.

J. Coon, S. Bulun, Dong Chen, 2012, Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology.

P. Yin, S. Bulun, S. Reierstad, 2007, The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

Chundong Yu, Dong Chen, Yi Ding, 2015, International journal of clinical and experimental medicine.

Xiaoli Liu, Dong Chen, Kejun Zhang, 2016, American journal of translational research.

Dong Chen, Kejun Zhang, Cheng Zhao, 2017, American journal of translational research.

Huan Xu, Fubo Wang, Jun-yi Chen, 2019, Journal of B.U.ON. : official journal of the Balkan Union of Oncology.

A. Eresen, Zhuoli Zhang, Jian Wang, 2019, American journal of cancer research.

Jian Wu, B. Peng, Dong Chen, 2016, Biochemical and biophysical research communications.

R. Drapkin, R. Broaddus, A. Mariani, 2013, International journal of molecular sciences.

S. Yeh, Yuhchyau Chen, Chawnshang Chang, 2022, Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research.

Dong Chen, Lei Song, Lian-jun Ma, 2017, BioMed research international.

Dong Chen, Haojie Wang, Fei He, 2019, Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie.

Yichuan Huang, Lei Wang, P. Cui, 2020, Cancer biomarkers : section A of Disease markers.

Dong Chen, Lian-jun Ma, Xiao-ping Li, 2018, Neural regeneration research.

Jun Liang, D. Kong, Dong Chen, 2012, Brazilian journal of medical and biological research = Revista brasileira de pesquisas medicas e biologicas.

Jun-yi Chen, Dong Chen, Yining Li, 2019, Biochemical and biophysical research communications.

Xuefeng Zheng, Dong Chen, Kejun Zhang, 2011, Medical Principles and Practice.

Dong Yang, Xiangyan Liu, Dong Chen, 2015, Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research.

Dong Chen, Wenjin Lv, Ji-liang Hu, 2022, Journal of oncology.

Dan Li, Liping Peng, Dong Chen, 2018, BioMed research international.

Ulla Hansen, Dong Chen, Devanand Sarkar, 2012, American journal of cancer research.

S. Bulun, S. Reierstad, H. Ishikawa, 2009, Cancer letters.

Wei Wei, Jun-yi Chen, Dong Chen, 2020, Cancer biotherapy & radiopharmaceuticals.

Dong Chen, Yaqiu Wang, W. Feng, 2015, World Journal of Surgical Oncology.

Z. Nwosu, T. Cierpicki, J. Grembecka, 2021, Molecular Cancer Research.

P. Fisher, Seok-Geun Lee, Z. Su, 2011, Pharmacology & therapeutics.

Lei Wang, Dong Chen, L. Ning, 2020, Oncology letters.

P. Fisher, K. Shah, Dong Chen, 2010, Cancer research.

P. Fisher, D. Curiel, I. Dmitriev, 2013, Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy.

M. Niu, Dong Chen, L. Ning, 2018, Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry.

Dong Chen, L. Ning, Kejun Zhang, 2018, Medical science monitor : international medical journal of experimental and clinical research.

Dong Chen, Dong Chen, Kejun Zhang, 2016, Cancer biomarkers : section A of Disease markers.

Hongye Zhu, Ying Cao, Dong Chen, 2018, Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie.

Dong Chen, Ke-Zhi Zhang, L. Ning, 2022, International Journal of Medical Sciences.

O. Abdel-Wahab, Y. Dou, T. Cierpicki, 2019, The Journal of clinical investigation.

Paul B. Fisher, Ulla Hansen, Catherine I. Dumur, 2010, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Talitha L Forcier, P. Fisher, K. Shah, 2009, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Dongli Liu, Dong Chen, Hui Zhao, 2012, World journal of gastroenterology.

Dong Chen, Gongning Shi, Mengfei Li, 2017, Archives of medical science : AMS.

R. Mehta, G. Murillo, Sunanda R Singh, 2018, Breast cancer : basic and clinical research.

Dong Chen, xingang wang, Kejun Zhang, 2011, International journal of molecular sciences.

Dong Chen, Kejun Zhang, F. Hao, 2016, International journal of biochemistry and molecular biology.

S. Bulun, S. Reierstad, Dong Chen, 2009, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

Ronghua Zhang, Dong Chen, Xiang Yan, 2022, Cancer biomarkers : section A of Disease markers.