I. Foryś


I. Foryś, 2021, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.

I. Foryś, Jacek Batóg, Jan Konowalczuk, 2019, Journal of European Real Estate Research.

I. Foryś, J. Cymerman, 2019, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.

Małgorzata Blaszke, I. Foryś, 2021, EUROPEAN RESEARCH STUDIES JOURNAL.

I. Foryś, J. Cymerman, 2018, Barometr Regionalny. Analizy i Prognozy.

M. Bełej, R. Cellmer, Michał Głuszak, 2023, Land Use Policy.

Iwona Foryś, Radosław Gaca, I. Foryś, 2018, Experimental and Quantitative Methods in Contemporary Economics.

I. Foryś, 2019, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.

Ewa Putek-Szeląg, I. Foryś, 2018, Real Estate Management and Valuation.

I. Foryś, J. Cymerman, 2019, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.

I. Foryś, 2020, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.

I. Foryś, M. Nowak, 2022, Argumenta Oeconomica.

I. Foryś, 2019, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.