Xue Guo


Jizhong Zhou, K. Konstantinidis, J. Tiedje, 2019, mBio.

Jizhong Zhou, Liyou Wu, Yunfeng Yang, 2019, Global Ecology and Biogeography.

Jizhong Zhou, J. Tiedje, Zhili He, 2019, Nature Ecology & Evolution.

Jizhong Zhou, K. Konstantinidis, J. Tiedje, 2019, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Chang Gyo Jung, Jizhong Zhou, K. Konstantinidis, 2020, bioRxiv.

Chang Gyo Jung, Jizhong Zhou, K. Konstantinidis, 2020, Nature Communications.

J. Tiedje, Liyou Wu, Yunfeng Yang, 2022, Nature Microbiology.

Jizhong Zhou, J. Tiedje, J. Cole, 2020, The ISME Journal.

Yansen Xu, Yunfeng Yang, Xunwen Chen, 2023, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment.

Jizhong Zhou, J. Tiedje, Liyou Wu, 2021, Nature Climate Change.

Jizhong Zhou, J. Tiedje, Zhili He, 2018, Nature Climate Change.

Jizhong Zhou, M. Firestone, Aifen Zhou, 2022, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Jizhong Zhou, Yunfeng Yang, Xue Guo, 2021, Nature Communications.

Jizhong Zhou, J. Tiedje, Zhili He, 2019, Nature Ecology & Evolution.

J. Tiedje, Liyou Wu, Yunfeng Yang, 2023, Nature Climate Change.

Rui Zhang, Yunfeng Yang, Jizhong Zhou, 2023, Frontiers in Microbiology.

Yunfeng Yang, Xue Guo, Qun Gao, 2024, Soil Biology and Biochemistry.

J. Tiedje, Yunfeng Yang, D. Ning, 2024, Nature communications.

Yunfeng Yang, Xue Guo, Jugui Zhuang, 2023, Journal of hazardous materials.