F. Zuccon


S. Scuota, L. Decastelli, G. Normanno, 2005, International journal of food microbiology.

L. Sechi, L. Daneo-Moore, F. Zuccon, 1994, FEMS microbiology letters.

R. Nonno, U. Agrimi, G. Vaccari, 2008, The Journal of general virology.

L. Decastelli, A. Malabaila, D. Bianchi, 2015, Italian journal of food safety.

F. Peruzzi, P. Piggot, L. Daneo-Moore, 1999, Oral microbiology and immunology.

S. Peletto, F. Zuccon, P. Acutis, 2009, Journal of comparative pathology.

P. Acutis, S. Peletto, F. Zuccon, 2012, Research in veterinary science.

G. Ru, A. Bellio, A. Romano, 2018, Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin.

A. Bellio, G. Macori, L. Decastelli, 2014, Italian journal of food safety.

S. Manara, M. Grigioni, A. Izzotti, 2022, Science of The Total Environment.

L. Sechi, P. Piggot, L. Daneo-Moore, 1995, Developments in biological standardization.