S. Adams


J. Oei, Renee Sherriff, A. Preisz, 2020, Journal of paediatrics and child health.

O. Wargon, S. Adams, T. Phan, 2006, The Australasian journal of dermatology.

O. Wargon, S. Adams, Lawrence H C Kim, 2011, Journal of pediatric surgery.

B. Bajuk, L. Hilder, A. Holland, 2017, Archives of Disease in Childhood.

S. Adams, T. Schindler, J. Pereira, 2017, Journal of pediatric surgery.

J. Karpelowsky, S. Adams, A. Read, 2017, Journal of paediatrics and child health.

K. Mallitt, A. Teng, O. Wargon, 2020, Pediatric dermatology.

D. Cass, A. Holland, S. Soundappan, 2010 .

O. Wargon, S. Adams, C. Verge, 2013, The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism.

C. Y. Ooi, S. Adams, U. Krishnan, 2017, Journal of paediatrics and child health.

D. Siegel, O. Wargon, J. Lawson, 2016, Pediatric dermatology.

O. Wargon, S. Adams, M. Hogeling, 2011, The Australasian journal of dermatology.

J. Oxley, D. Gillatt, S. Adams, 2009, Histopathology.

D. Singh-Grewal, O. Wargon, S. Adams, 2017, Journal of paediatrics and child health.

O. Wargon, S. Adams, A. Jaffé, 2012, Pediatric pulmonology.

D. Mowat, S. Adams, M. Chopra, 2010 .

D. Mowat, S. Adams, M. Chopra, 2010, Journal of paediatrics and child health.

K. Parsi, O. Wargon, S. Adams, 2013, The Australasian journal of dermatology.

O. Wargon, S. Adams, A. Nandakumar, 2021, The Australasian journal of dermatology.

A. Robinson, G. Fischer, D. Murrell, 2017, The Australasian journal of dermatology.

O. Wargon, S. Adams, M. Hogeling, 2011, Pediatrics.

K. Lui, B. Bajuk, K. T. Yeo, 2016, Journal of pediatric surgery.

S. Adams, A. R. Brown, T. Wilson, 1993, The Australian and New Zealand journal of surgery.

J. Karpelowsky, S. Adams, Yasiru G Karunaratne, 2020, Journal of pediatric surgery.

A. Day, S. Adams, A. Jiwane, 2011, Case reports in gastrointestinal medicine.

S. Adams, Jonathan Cher, Camille Wu, 2019, Gastrointestinal Diseases and their Associated Infections.

E. O'Loughlin, E. Benchimol, V. Ng, 2017, Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition.

R. Goetti, S. Adams, Susan Jehangir, 2019, Journal of pediatric surgery.

J. Karpelowsky, S. Adams, Y. Liu, 2017, Journal of pediatric surgery.

S. Bell, C. Y. Ooi, S. Adams, 2016, Journal of paediatrics and child health.

Christopher S Mulligan, T. Whyte, Julie Brown, 2022, Injury Prevention.

D. Eager, S. Adams, L. Sharwood, 2018, Australian and New Zealand journal of public health.

Julie Brown, Christopher S Mulligan, Susan Adams, 2016, Injury Prevention.

Julie Brown, N. Nassar, S. Adams, 2020, Journal of paediatrics and child health.

Christopher S Mulligan, Julie Brown, S. Adams, 2017, Journal of paediatrics and child health.

A. Holland, S. Adams, Julie Brown, 2023, medRxiv.

A. Holland, S. Adams, J. H. Cho, 2009, Journal of paediatrics and child health.

Susan Adams, D. Cass, L. Lam, 2010, Pediatric emergency care.

M. Craig, K. Neville, L. Campbell, 2022, Journal of paediatrics and child health.

S. Adams, S. Soundappan, Sarah Adams, 2018, Journal of paediatrics and child health.

O. Wargon, S. Adams, A. Jaffé, 2012, Pediatric pulmonology.