E. Steed


J. Vermot, F. Boselli, E. Steed, 2016, Biochimica et biophysica acta.

Michael Liebling, Gilles Charvin, Julien Vermot, 2014, Cell reports.

C. Thompson, E. Woodahl, E. Steed, 2020, Food and chemical toxicology : an international journal published for the British Industrial Biological Research Association.

J. Gómez-Skarmeta, A. Zapata, S. Harlepp, 2013, Current Biology.

James C. Wright, Jonathan M. Mudge, Andrew D. Yates, 2022, Nucleic Acids Res..

Jonathan M. Mudge, Andrew D. Yates, José Carlos Marugán, 2022, Nucleic Acids Res..

M. Balda, E. Steed, K. Matter, 2010, Trends in cell biology.

Astrid Gall, James E. Allen, Daniel R. Zerbino, 2020, Nucleic Acids Res..

Jean-Bernard Beaudry, C. Pierreux, E. Gallagher, 2014, Journal of Cell Biology.

James E. Allen, Jonathan M. Mudge, Andrew D. Yates, 2021, Nucleic Acids Res..

Jean-Bernard Beaudry, C. Pierreux, E. Gallagher, 2014 .

Kent D. Sugden, F. Cardozo-Pelaez, Sarah E. Lacher, 2014, The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics.

A. Benz, U. Felbor, J. Huisken, 2015, Developmental cell.

E. Steed, A. McCreary, Caitlin A. Jones, 2011, Behavioural Brain Research.

Claire Wyart, M. Liebling, G. Charvin, 2014, Cell reports.