Kei-Chun Li


Kang Zhang, Kei-Chun Li, 1996, Int. J. High Speed Comput..

Kang Zhang, Mao Lin Huang, Kei-Chun Li, 2002, Proceedings Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Issues of E-Commerce and Web-Based Information Systems (WECWIS 2002).

Kang Zhang, Su Te Lei, Kei-Chun Li, 1997, J. Syst. Softw..

Kang Zhang, Chengzheng Sun, Kei-Chun Li, 1998, Proceedings. The Seventh International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (Cat. No.98TB100244).

Kei-Chun Li, Kit Kuen Raymond Yip, 2002, International Conference on Computers in Education, 2002. Proceedings..

Kei-Chun Li, Wai Ming Yip, Kit Kuen Raymond Yip, 2002, International Conference on Computers in Education, 2002. Proceedings..

Kang Zhang, Kei-Chun Li, Kang Zhang, 2004, The Journal of Supercomputing.