E. Njagi


M. Kenward, G. Molenberghs, G. Verbeke, 2012 .

G. Molenberghs, M. Aerts, T. Reddy, 2016, Pharmaceutical statistics.

M. Quartagno, E. Njagi, Matthew J Smith, 2022, 2211.14556.

Geert Molenberghs, Liesbeth Bruckers, Edmund Njeru Njagi, 2015 .

Geert Molenberghs, Paul Dendale, Achmad Efendi, 2013, Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift.

B. Rachet, C. Maringe, A. Belot, 2017, British Journal of Cancer.

G. Molenberghs, G. Verbeke, S. Mwalili, 2021, Communications in Statistics: Case Studies, Data Analysis and Applications.

Geert Molenberghs, Geert Verbeke, Dimitris Rizopoulos, 2016, Statistical methods in medical research.

M. Kenward, G. Molenberghs, G. Verbeke, 2016, Statistical methods in medical research.