S. Cotner


William R. Harcombe, D. Challou, Stepfanie M. Aguillon, 2019, BioScience.

C. Ballen, S. Cotner, Lauren L Sullivan, 2018, PloS one.

Stepfanie M. Aguillon, K. Zamudio, A. Drake, 2018, BioScience.

C. Lortie, M. Acevedo, M. Lashley, 2020, Ecology and evolution.

Jeremiah A. Henning, C. Ballen, S. Cotner, 2019, Front. Educ..

Randy Moore, S. Cotner, Randy Moore, 2009, Evolution: Education and Outreach.

Robin Wright, S. Cotner, Amy Winkel, 2009, CBE life sciences education.

A. Drake, C. Ballen, Sharday N. Ewell, 2022, Journal of microbiology & biology education.

S. Cotner, S. Hebert, 2019, The American Biology Teacher.

M. Driessen, C. Ballen, S. Cotner, 2019, Chemistry Education Research and Practice.

S. Cotner, Seth K. Thompson, R. Wright, 2017, CBE life sciences education.

C. Jørgensen, S. Cotner, Yael Harlap, 2022, Nordic Journal of STEM Education.

Brian J. Enquist, Brian S. Maitner, Vigdis Vandvik, 2020, Ecology and evolution.

Randy Moore, S. Cotner, J. L. Rodríguez García, 2016 .

S. Cotner, A. Schuchardt, Daniel Baltz, 2019, CBE life sciences education.

S. Cotner, B. Wisenden, Connor Neill, 2017 .

S. Cotner, Seth K. Thompson, Connor Neill, 2016, Journal of microbiology & biology education.

J. Cotner, S. Cotner, D. C. McEwen, 2016, Zebrafish.

Emily M. Walter, Amanda L. Glaze, Jason R. Wiles, 2019, Nature Ecology & Evolution.

G. Roehrig, S. Cotner, FangFang Zhao, 2021, Teaching & Learning Inquiry.

Jessamina E. Blum, D. Wassenberg, S. Cotner, 2021, Journal of microbiology & biology education.

S. Salehi, C. Ballen, S. Cotner, 2017, PloS one.

B. Enquist, V. Vandvik, S. Cotner, 2020, The Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America.

J. D. Walker, D. Christopher Brooks, Sehoya Cotner, 2013 .

Stepfanie M. Aguillon, C. Ballen, Renee H. Petipas, 2020, CBE life sciences education.

Kevin R. Binning, S. Cotner, Sarah P. Hammarlund, 2021, bioRxiv.

Azariah Yonas, S. Cotner, Margaret Sleeth, 2020, Journal of microbiology & biology education.

C. Ballen, S. Cotner, L. Rakner, 2018, PS: Political Science& Politics.

Jessamina E. Blum, S. Brownell, Denise L. Monti, 2017, CBE life sciences education.

Sarah L. Eddy, A. C. James, M. Zhong, 2021, CBE life sciences education.

Randy Moore, S. Cotner, Clayton Mazur, 2018, Evolution: Education and Outreach.

Erlend B. Nilsen, R. Telford, V. Vandvik, 2021, bioRxiv.

S. McGaugh, Zoe Koth, S. Cotner, 2020, Ecology and evolution.

S. Cotner, Maxwell Kramer, Seth K. Thompson, 2020, Ecology and evolution.

Julie C. Brown, S. Cotner, Lorelei E Patrick, 2021, Journal of microbiology & biology education.

S. Cotner, Ngawang Gonsar, Lorelei E Patrick, 2021, Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research.

Rachael D. Robnett, C. Ballen, M. Shuster, 2020, CBE life sciences education.

J D Walker, Sehoya H Cotner, Paul M Baepler, 2008, CBE life sciences education.

J. Hewlett, S. Cotner, C. Creech, 2021, Journal of microbiology & biology education.

S. Cotner, S. Hebert, 2016, The American Biology Teacher.

C. Lortie, M. Acevedo, M. Lashley, 2020, Ecology and evolution.