M. Vollebergh


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Infante, K. Sikorska, M. Sznol, 2020, Journal of Translational Medicine.

M. J. van de Vijver, S. Rodenhuis, M. Hauptmann, 2010, Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology.

M. Hauptmann, S. Linn, H. Klomp, 2010, Journal of thoracic oncology : official publication of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer.

R. van Hillegersberg, K. Haustermans, S. Mook, 2023, European journal of cancer.

J. V. van Sandick, M. Verheij, E. Jansen, 2020, Frontiers in Oncology.

S. Linn, J. Jonkers, M. Vollebergh, 2011, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences.

J. G. van den Berg, J. V. van Sandick, P. Snaebjornsson, 2023, Histopathology.