Michael Schmelling


Wen Chao Zhang, Joel Closier, Johan Blouw, 2014 .

Wen Chao Zhang, Joel Closier, Johan Blouw, 2012 .

Joel Closier, G. N. Patrick, Johan Blouw, 2010 .

Wen Chao Zhang, Joel Closier, Johan Blouw, 2013 .

Wen Chao Zhang, Johan Blouw, D. Volyanskyy, 2014 .

Michael Schmelling, Matthew Kenzie, Hans Dembinski, 2021 .

Michael Schmelling, M. Schmelling, 1995 .

Joel Closier, Johan Blouw, Kenneth Wyllie, 2015, 1505.01505.

A. Marchioro, G. Stefanini, L. Gosset, 1995 .

A. Jahn, Edoardo Milotti, G. Stefanini, 1989 .

Michael Schmelling, Werner Hofmann, N. van Bakel, 2004 .

Ioan Ursu, Yuanning Gao, Ignacio Bediaga, 2012 .

Giovanni Calderini, Elizabeth Locci, John Rander, 1996 .

Joel Closier, Johan Blouw, Kenneth Wyllie, 2016, Physical review letters.

Michael Schmelling, Hans Dembinski, H. Dembinski, 2018, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment.

Joel Closier, Johan Blouw, D. Volyanskyy, 2013 .

Giovanni Calderini, D. J. Candlin, John Rander, 1993 .