Michal Shachar


Smadar Cohen, Michal Shachar, Nessi Benishti, 2012, Biotechnology progress.

Tal Dvir, Smadar Cohen, Jonathan Leor, 2011, Acta biomaterialia.

Smadar Cohen, Smadar Cohen, Michal Shachar, 2003, Heart Failure Reviews.

B. Fisch, Smadar Cohen, A. Ben-Haroush, 2011, Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics.

S. Gerecht, J. Itskovitz‐Eldor, J. Leor, 2007, Heart.

Smadar Cohen, Jonathan Leor, J. Leor, 2002, Biotechnology and bioengineering.

Tal Dvir, Smadar Cohen, Smadar Cohen, 2006, Tissue engineering.