G. Moris


Claude Schummer, Jeannine Sassel, Pascale Bonenberger, 2013, Journal of agricultural and food chemistry.

W. Rabsch, J. Mossong, F. Schneider, 2007, Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin.

A. van Nieuwenhuyse, G. Moris, C. Schummer, 2020, Heliyon.

G. Moris, C. Schummer, Laurent Carnol, 2017, Food Analytical Methods.

J. Mossong, C. Olinger, S. Johler, 2015, Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin.

G. Moris, L. Grohmann, R. Reiting, 2013, European Food Research and Technology.

A. van Nieuwenhuyse, S. Schneider, G. Moris, 2022, Mycotoxin Research.

A. van Nieuwenhuyse, S. Schneider, G. Moris, 2022, Mycotoxin research.